Boston Harbor
During the Labor Day weekend we took a couple of cruises in the Boston Harbor. We had absolutely perfect weather for both cruises. Below you can see two views of the Boston skyline from the water. The one on the left was taken about 11:00 am, whereas the one on the right was taken just after sunset. Notice the Custom House Tower in each photo.

Here is a close up of the Custom House Tower with its clock. The original purpose of the Custom House was to facilitate the inspection and registration of cargo. Today it is a Marriott vacation club hotel with 87 one bedroom suites. It does have public access and a maritime museum.

The main focus of the 5 hour daytime cruise was to visit some 15 lighthouses from Boston to Rockport, MA along the northern Massachusetts coast.
To view some of the images we took of these lighthouses, click on the image of the Boston Light at left.
To view some of the images we took of these lighthouses, click on the image of the Boston Light at left.

Here we see the Schooner, "American Eagle" which was in the area for the annual Gloucester Schooner Race.
Below is one of the several lobster boats that we saw.
Below is one of the several lobster boats that we saw.