Violette Family Reunion 2014

At left are the authors (Rod Violette, Guy Dubay and Dave Violette) of "A Violette History" which was recently published. The book is the history of Francois Violet, the progenitor of Violettes in North America, and how he and his family pioneered the Hammond and St. Johns River valleys. They were among the first settlers of what became Van Buren , Maine and St. Leonard, New Brunswick.

At right are the new officers of the Violette Family Association. From left to right are Dave Violette, president, Christine Violette Lippincott, vice president, Louiselle Violette, treasurer and Rod Violette, secretary.
Dave also serves as Webmaster of the association and Rod is the Association Genealogist.
Dave also serves as Webmaster of the association and Rod is the Association Genealogist.

Francois built a log cabin in Van Buren. His grandson, Beloni, moved the cabin to it's present location on Violette Street. Over the years a house was built around the cabin. The house is occupied by members of the Violette family.

The Violette Family Crest was unveiled. Ths symbols are the Violet flower, the Fleur de lis for Quebec, the Acadian star, Maple leaf for Canada, Bald Eagle represents America and a water wheel representing the grist mill that Francois Violette built on Violette Brook.

Cross in St. Basile, New Brunswick honoring Francois Violet as one of the original settlers of the area. The name of his third wife, Genevieve Taddif, also appears on the cross.
For more information on the reunion and the Violette Family visit: