Bri Graduates from Pacific University

The Graduate

With Pacific U. President Dr. Lesley Hallick

On the stage

On May 17, 2014, our grandaughter, Brianna Louise Castellini graduated cum laude from Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. She was named the outstanding senior in speech and debate and was a senior fellow at the Bergland Center fot Internet Studies.
She made two presentations. One was as a senior fellow at the Bergland Center. The other was reading an excerpt from her short story "The Toast" at baccalaureate.
She made two presentations. One was as a senior fellow at the Bergland Center. The other was reading an excerpt from her short story "The Toast" at baccalaureate.

Bergland Center Presentation

Receiving the Bergland Center award

Baccalaureate Presentation

Bri with Quinn & Roses

Bri with supporting cast: Ray, Beth, Vinny, Chris, Rick, Bri, Quinn, Nancy and Bob

After Graduation Toast