Kings Canyon

Kings Canyon NP has a range in elevation from about 1300 feet to over 14,000 feet. It is no wonder that there is also a range in scenery.
From water falls to sequoias, from lakes to mountains, from rivers to rocks there is variety. We have tried to capture some of this variety with the images on this page.
From water falls to sequoias, from lakes to mountains, from rivers to rocks there is variety. We have tried to capture some of this variety with the images on this page.
Sunset at MeGee Vista

Our lodging during our stay at Kings Canyon was the John Muir Lodge.

We had inquired at the visitor center as to a location for sunsets near the lodge. They recommended McGee Vista, which was only a few miles from the lodge. While we we waiting for the sunset I took this photo of Chris.
A few minutes later a bear appeared in almost the same spot that Chris was standing. I took this partial bear photo as I scrambled to get in the car.