Maine/Canada August 2011 Trip
Here is an overview of our trip to attend the Violette Family Reunion and touring the Atlantic Provinces of Canada. Much of our trip was to visit lighthouses along the way.

On August 2, 2011 we flew into Halifax and rented a Ford Fusion. Over the next two weeks we put over 2700 miles on the car. Above is a rough map of our route. We made blog postings of most of these locations. To see these postings click here and then select the category of your interest. Example - for Peggy's Cove select the category Nova Scotia once you are on the blog posting page.
- Z Halifax, NS
- B Moncton, NB for the first night
- C Hopewell Rocks, NB
- D St. Martins and Saint John, NB
- E Grand Falls, NB where we stayed for 4 nights during the Violette Family reunion
- F Van Buren, Maine site of the Violette Family Reunion
- M Stanley Bridge, PEI
- H Tignish, PEI
- I West Point, PEI
- L Charlottetown, PEI
- N Wood Islands, PEI where we took the ferry to Nova Scotia
- O Pictou, NS
- P Louisbourg, NS
- S Cheticamp, NS
- R Neil's Harbour, NS
- U Peggy's Cove, NS
- V Lunenburg, NS
- X Grand Pre, NS
- Y Kejimkujik National Park Seaside